New conditions
Farm sold in Bree
If you want more information about this property, contact us.
Address: | Bree |
Reference: | IF-2957 |
Asking price: | Sold |
Type: | Farm |
Available as of: | By deed |
Location: | Clear view, Rural, Near quiet road, Open |
Plot surface: | 11.700 m² |
Habitable Area: | 282 m² |
Construction type: | Traditional |
Year of construction: | 1968 |
Year of renovation: | 2007 |
Overall condition: | Standard |
Bedrooms: | 3 |
BathRooms: | 1 |
Toilets: | 1 |
Living room: | Yes, Living room |
Kitchen: | Yes, Open kitchen, With electrical appliances |
Attic: | Yes |
Cellar: | Yes |
Verandah: | Yes |
Laundry room: | Yes |
Garden: | Yes |
Legal information
Cadastral city: | Sectie A |
Index number: | 585x2, 585h3, 585k3, 585y2, 642g, 642h, 642c |
Surface: | 11.700 m² |
Certification: | 902704 |
Index: | 324.00KWh/m²/year |
EnergyClass: | D |
Start date: | 12/21/2020 |
Expires: | 12/21/2030 |
Permit: | Yes |
Preemptiverights: | No |
Allotment permit: | No |
Area application: | Agricultural zone |
Judicial decision: | |
Flood sensitive: | Property located in a non-flood zone |
Flood area: | Not announced |
Monument: | Not a protected monument |